
Open an office within minutes

In an instant office, a cupboard or filing cabinet is no longer required.

Instant offices. The locations are widespread in many big cities in Asia. The concept is presumably to represent the flexibility and ductility of the interior design and CEO SUITE had foreseen how a ready-to-operate office would enable executives to literally start an office within minutes.

At CEO SUITE Jakarta, there are now 3 instant office locations. According to the owner and founder of CEO SUITE, Mee Kim, the instant office concept remains immensely popular as witnessed by the near 100% occupancy levels at every CEO SUITE location in Jakarta.

As a boss who serves bosses, Mee Kim has so far been very successful in her choices of designs. Each CEO reception has been designed towards space efficiency, and with marble flooring and coordinated colors, they have served well over the years to project the right business image for clients with multinational backgrounds.

All office suites come in various sizes. Big or small, each office has its focus on simplicity, functionality and space efficiency. Chairs are ergonomic in design, and while providing back support to the users, they are also functional to assist comfortable movements. Filing cabinets have also become optional furniture items as office executives can opt to make use of the centers’ advance technology to support daily administration. Most executives’ offices seem to also be moving towards a “no clutter” trend as offices include simply, an executive desk and a multi-functional desk for other miscellaneous tasks.

Meetings can be held at the centers’ fully-equipped board or meeting rooms for big number of participants. Glass-partitioned to allow for plenty of lighting, but for privacy, there is always the option to use the blinds equipped in each meeting area.

Modernly transformed into cyber cafés, pantry facilities are found available in all CEO SUITE offices located in 7 cities across Asia, for the much needed coffee breaks or rapport building sessions. These cafés are smartly furnished with durable and easy to maintain furniture, not however, lacking in comfort or style.

We would think this task of designing a facility to accommodate the tastes and requirements of office executives from very different cultures and backgrounds come as no easy feat. But for the expatriate from South Korea, Mee Kim’s success with client after client from all over the world has proven that with passion and dedication, nothing comes impossible.

Apr 26, 2013


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