
Rent an office on hourly basis, why not?

Where else can you meet clients to discuss a very important business issue, considering your office is located far from the city center?

There emerges a more interesting option for businessmen these days whose requirement is for short-term, temporary office space in the more prestigious buildings right within the city center. And the attraction is, rental at these Instant Office Providers starts from hourly basis.

Indeed, the price may seem more expensive compared to rent at conventional offices on a long term basis. But considering it as an urgent requirement, and if it is a short-term requirement, this option may be worth the consideration.

One of such Instant Office providers is CEO SUITE in the CBD area in Jakarta. According to Nuke Yudaningrat, Center Manager of CEO SUITE (Jakarta Stock Exchange center), there are various options / rental packages for clients to choose from.

For example, CEO SUITE provides meeting and boardroom packages for up to 26 people from US$10 to US$20 per hour depending on final requirements. Video-conferencing sessions are also available for bookings.

Besides meeting packages, CEO SUITE also provides office space / virtual space on a longer-term basis. The virtual space service is known as a Virtual Office, and monthly rates begin from US$60 per month. The Virtual Office is extremely popular with business travelers who require business support (in terms of mail handling, and phone answering services) at a prestigious downtown location whilst traveling.

Other facilities and services provided by CEO SUITE include secretarial & IT support, telecommunication facilities, high-speed internet. “We assure you that your business will be well-handled by our team,” expresses Nuke while promoting CEO SUITE. This service is also well-accepted, and suited to many foreign companies / representative offices.

For a physical space, CEO SUITE offers rates beginning from US$800 upwards to US$3,000 per month, depending on the area of each office.

There remains much potential for this business. Year round, the occupancy level remains at a high 95%.

Apr 26, 2013


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