
Remaining Flexible While Expanding into Asian Markets


If you are introducing your product or services into Asian markets, you will face larger hurdles than renting office space and setting up shop. Not only do the various countries in Asia have vastly different customs, preferences, and outlooks from each other, but within each of those countries, cultural influences also vary widely by region. China, for instance, should not be thought of as a single entity when it comes to successfully marketing whatever it is you’re trying to sell. Martin Roll, a top business and brand strategist based in Singapore, says, “There is no such thing as the Chinese market. You have to look at China more as a mosaic of cultures.” Remaining flexible while expanding into Asian markets is an important thing to remember, whether you’re introducing products, services, or technology.

Put in the Time It Requires

Many Westerners are frustrated by the time it takes to thoroughly research each market, learn the customs and nuances of the people in that market, and go through the process of meeting and building relationships with the necessary government and business officials. This impatience is largely the influence of Western culture, where we are taught to expect results very quickly. But if you are sincere about your desire to successfully expand into Asian markets, you will learn to tame that impatience and appreciate the process. Consult with native advisors and marketers as your first step in learning how to conduct yourself and present your company. Learn the customs and tastes of the people who live in the area as well as the business customs that will allow you to give face to your Asian partners and encourage them to trust you. Be sure that the process will probably take more time (plan on two or three years) and resources than you might initially expect.

Live and Work in Your Target Market

While it’s not generally necessary to take out a mortgage every time you want to move into a new market, you will see distinct advantages to spending some time there. Renting living space and serviced offices in Asia is a good way to meet the people, develop business relationships, and understand the culture without having to put down roots. Rented professional office space in particular allows you to present a professional front to prospective clients and business partners without any long-term leasing commitments on your part.

CEO Suite offers serviced offices in Asia, including locations in Thailand, Indonesia, Kuala Lumpur, Korea, China, and the Philippines. Contact Us to get started in your exciting expansion endeavors.


Feb 05, 2015


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