
Hiring tips: How to Write an Appealing Job Post


The process of hiring talented and committed employees is much simpler when you have a strong job description to start off the discussion with. But writing that an effective job description may take weeks or months if you don’t know where to start, or you’re not even sure what this new position will entail. Here are key ingredients you need to know to write an effective job post that will attract top level talent to your organization.

Here is the basic information you need to create an effective job listing description:

  • The name of the position 
  • Experience /educational qualifications needed 
  • Bonus experience that can give you an edge in pulling ahead of the competition
  • The length of employment (contract, full time, temporary etc.)
  • Location of the position
  • A link to the company website and brief one sentence description

Remember, the secret to writing a winning job post is in knowing what to say. If you don’t tell enough about the job to convey key info, you’re wasting applicants’ time and your time sorting through resumes. If you give out all the details, the job listing will be so long that few people will even read it (although the few applicants who do reply and appear to have read it in its entirety will be careful and thorough job seekers).

By including this key information on all job posts, you will ensure the highest likelihood that you’ll get a match with qualified talent applying to your job post. For more information on how to create a winning job post every time, read part 2 of this series. 

CEO SUITE provides top-notch recruiting and human resources services and prestigious office space throughout Asia-Pacific. If you would like to discuss talent sourcing services with one of our experienced recruiters, contact us to learn more.



Apr 22, 2015


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